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Some interesting tongue twisters to improve your fluency

Let's try to pronounce.  ◇Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ◇Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis ◇I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. ◇I have got a date at a quarter to eight; I’ll see you at the gate, so don’t be late. ◇I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen. ◇I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you. ◇He threw three free throws. ◇Four fine fresh fish for you. ◇Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely. ◇We surely shall see the sun shine soon. ◇If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. ◇A proper copper coffee pot. ◇Give Papa a proper cup of coffee in a copper coffee cup. ◇Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty bought better butter to make the bitter butter better. ◇I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn’t have thought I thought. ◇If practice makes perfect and perfect
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Practice questions for HSC students 01

1.  3 m/s বেগে গতিশীল লোক 6 m/s বেগে লম্বভা বে পতিত বৃষ্টি হ তে রক্ষা পেতে কত কোণে ছাতা ধরবে ? উত্ত র : 26.6°   2. 1 0 km/h বেগে বৃষ্টি উ লম্বভাবে পড়ছে আর 60 km/h বেগে বাতাস বইছে , বাতাস অভিমূ খে চলন্ত গাড়ির গতিবেগ নি র্ণয় কর যাতে - (ক) কেবল সামনের কাজ ভে জে , (খ) কেবল পিছনের কাচ ভেজে , (গ) দ ুই কাচই ভে জে , ( ঘ) যদি বাতাস 0   ও গাড়ির দিক ভিন্ন হয় ? উত্তর : >,< , =, সর্বদা সাম নের ।  

HSC All BOOKS | English | Physics | Chemistry | Higher Math | ICT | Bangla | Biology and so on

 Select books according to your need: English For Today 11-12 Bangla Text Book (সাহিত্য পাঠ) Bangla Text Book (সহপাঠ) ICT Bangla Version ICT English Version Physics First Paper Physics Second Paper Chemistry First Paper Old Version Chemistry Second Paper Old Version Math First Paper(SU) Biology First Paper Biology Second Paper Statistics

By Whom my mobile phone was stolen? The name of the thief was Addiction. Is this the nickname or full name of the thief?

It was a surprising evening. I was coming back from my students home to my hostel. The surprise was really a big surprise. I had never ever thought of this. My mobile phone was stolen. It was my dear one. We stayed together for almost four years. Though the price of the mobile phone was not very high, my necessary documents were there. I like to behave like a detective. This incident had given me the opportunity to fulfill my desire. The very next day I went to the spot and observed for an hour. I found four people who lost their mobile phone in my presence. How smart the thief was! But it was not done by a single thief. There was a group involved. Being more curious, I went to the thief market. They sell this phones in a very low price. You will be able to buy 1000$ price phone by 50$ only. This made me extremely surprised. Can police stop this crime? Is all policemen are honest? Do we have time to think about this? Is it safe for ones personal security to make awareness about thi

Cadet College Admission Preparation

English and General Knowledge practice Some standard 300 marks sample:

Citizens are indifferent to sound pollution, let alone transfiguration of the phenomenon.

Does there actually exist any term like sound pollution? Whereas the leaders are pleased with robust slogans. Then who will create the awareness of whom? Though it's a crying need to stop sound pollution, we welcome it with open arms. As a result, it has gone to the dogs.  Avoiding technical terms, the definition will be, "Unpleasant and undesirable sound that causes discomfort in human beings is sound pollution." The world discomfort is the key, isn't it? The person listening to music on loudspeakers is not feeling any discomfort at all. Similarly, the horn user, the person inside the vehicle using a whistle or the person enjoying the fireworks are not feeling discomfort anymore. Then who is feeling discomfort? Do we have time and interest to think about them? No, we don't. Imagine yourself as a little baby at traffic signals, examine in a room next to the road, patient in roadside hospitals, hypertension patients with sleep disorders and construction is going on

Let's check your English understanding ability. For better English follow the better road. Phrases and Idioms to learn

If I say, the thief was caught red handed. This doesn't mean the hand of the thief was red. It implies that the thief was arrested on spot. Similarly, cats and dogs means animals. But look at the next two examples. It is raining cats and dogs outside. It has been drizzling since morning. Now, cats and dogs implies heavy rainfall whereas drizzling implies light rainfall. So, we have to focus on the overall meaning not the words only.  Let's try to understand the given passage and solve it. Fill in the blanks with the given words: through   answered   after  colours  task shoes   laughing   dogs   unturned    luck Sadat's exam was knocking at the door. He was taken to (a)_____ by his mother. His mother told, " He has gone to (b)_____." But in the exam, he (c)_____ as if he had known everything. After getting results, he entered the room (d)_____. He came off with flying (e)_____. Hearing his results her mother said, " The boy takes (f)____ his father. If his fa

Fill in the blank with suitable words for SSC

 Fill in the blank with suitable words for SSC SSC Fill in the blank all board question 2020 1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.  👉 [Dhaka Board-2020] Modern civilization is the (a)---of science. Science has worked (b)---a magician in the world. We can’t do even a (c)---day without the help of science. Many quick means (d)---communication like telephone, telex, fax, telegram, satellite, etc. are (e) — greatest wonders of science. Nowadays, a message can be sent from one corner of the world to another in the twinkle of (f) — eye. Science has brought a revolutionary (g) — in all fields. In the field of medical science, (h) — has got eyes, lame has got legs, deaf has got hearing power. (i) — diseases which were incurable in the past are now easily (j)---. Answer: (a) blessing/gift/product (b) like (c) single (d) of (e) the (f) an (g) change (h) blind (i) Some/the (j) curable 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.  👉 [Rajshahi Board-2020] Diligence means an (a)---to perform a